Friday, December 9, 2011

Love is Saranghae 5 : Cinta vs. Suka

Di hadapan orang yang kita cinta, hati kita akan berdegup kencang. 
Tapi di depan orang yang kita suka, hati kita akan gembira. 

Di depan orang yang kita cinta, musim sentiasa berbunga-bunga. 
Di depan orang yang kita suka, musim itu cuma berangin sahaja. 

Jikalau kita lihat di dalam mata orang yang kita cinta, kita akan kaku. 
Jikalau kita melihat mata orang yang kita suka, kita akan tersenyum. 

Di depan orang yang kita cinta, lidah kelu untuk berkata-kata. 
Di depan orang yang kita suka, lidah bebas berkata apa sahaja. 

Di depan orang yang kita cinta, kita menjadi malu. 
Di depan orang yang kita suka, kita akan tunjukkan imej yang sebenar. 

Kita tidak boleh merenung mata orang yang kita cinta. 
Tapi kita selalu merenung mata orang yang kita suka. 

Bila orang yang kita cinta menangis, kita akan turut menangis. 
Bila orang yang kita suka menangis, kita akan membuat dia gembira. 

Perasaan cinta bermula dari kata. 
Perasaan suka bermula dari telinga. 
Jadi, jikalau kita berhenti menyukai seseorang yang kita suka. 
Umpama kita membuang telinga kita. 

Tapi jika kita cuba menutup mata. 
Cinta berbuah menjadi airmata. 
Setiap orang akan mengalami ini dalam hidup mereka.

credit to a fren in tagged!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

indahnya ciptaan..

cam edward:

so, very nice, islamic:

bukan minat dan bukan ingin bercinta, just kagun dengan ciptaan Nya..
hope akhlak pon sama la ngan rupa~

leh x nak hubby camtu??...ok, demand sangat!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hati Seorng Gamer

Sebab GAME, sy SINGLE, 
Sebab GAME, sy PENDIAM, 
Sebab GAME, sy BOROS.. 

Sebab GAME, sy tidak pernah RASA SENDIRIAN, 
Sebab GAME, sy tau erti KESETIAAN, 
Sebab GAME, sy ada banyak KAWAN, 
Sebab GAME, sy tau ERTI SEPAKAT, 
Sebab GAME, sy CERIA, 
Sebab GAME juga sy tidak terjatuh dalam lembah maksiat 

Sy SINGLE tp sy tidak pernah rasa SENDIRIAN & tau erti KESETIAAN, 
sy PENDIAM tp sy ada banyak KAWAN & tau ERTI SEPAKAT,
sy kadang kala lupa untuk MAKAN & MINUM tapi sy tetap CERIA..........


Saturday, December 3, 2011

tips nak cari boyfriend dan suami

halo, kalo awk perempuan, n nak cari boyfriend mesti terfikir, or terfesbuk solan ni;


kunun nye nak cek la kite ni ada ke semua apa yang lelaki nak kan.
test market la katakan..
haha, wa pon pernah terfikir camtu time muda2 dolu..
so apa yang wa nak share kat sini adalah apa yang one of my friend (boy) answer for that question;

ø Tak kisah laa dia freehair atau bertudung 
ø Pakai seksi dan ketat satu kelebihan 
ø Nak yang kulit putih jer , muka cantik tu paling dia nak 
ø Tak kisah dia perangai macamana pon. Notty lagi dia suka 
ø Boleh keluar rumah anytime , anywhere. 
ø Nak yang gedik sana , gedik sini. Boleh pegang-pegang ~ 
ø Ada DARA ke takde ke tu belakang cerita. Kalau takde DARA , tu satu peluang baik~  

ø Nak yang ALIM dan menutup aurat tu WAJIB ! 
ø Reti hormat orang tua 
ø Nak yang pandai dekat dapur. Reti masak-masak 
ø Tak kisah cantik ke tak janji sejuk je mata memandang 
ø Nak cari yang pandai jaga maruah ! Tak boleh ada lelaki lain sentuh 
ø Cari yang pandai jaga diri. Tak curang bila dia kerja 
ø Nak yang SUCI jer ! Ada DARA tu WAJIB ! 

haa, itu lah apa si membe teman jawab..
p/s: dia lelaki, kalo dia tipu, sume laki kt donia ni penipu./
so, kenali lah boyfriend anda..
and be yourself ok!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Zhi de chong bai de 10 da hao xi guan

10 kata-kata hikmah atau mutiara kata Orang Cina yang boleh dijadi amalan dan panduan hidup harian kita.

Zhi de chong bai de 10 da hao xi guan 
10 kebiasaan yg harus dibanggakan: 

1. Mei bing ye yao ding qi ti yan 
Walau tidak sakit harus sentiasa periksa keadaan diri secara teratur 

2. Bu ke ye dei duo he wen shui. 
Walau tidak haus harus banyak minum aiR 

3. Yu shi nan jie ye dei xiang tong. 
Walau ketemu masalah yang sukar tetap harus dirungkaikan dan diselesaikan. 

4. Mei you xi shi ye yao kuai le 
Walau tidak ada hal menyenangkan harus tetap bahagia. 

5. You li ye yao rang ren san fen. 
Walau kita berada di pihak yg benar, terkadang tetap kita perlu mengalah. 

6. You quan ye yao di diao zuo ren. 
Walau memiliki kekuasaan tetap harus berkepribadian luhur. 

7. Bu jue pi lao ye dei xiu xi. 
Walau tidak merasa lelah harus tetap beristirehat. 

8. Sheng huo fu yu ye yao zhi zu. 
Walau sudah kaya harus tetap dapat membatasi diri. 

9. Zai mang ye yao zhong shi duan lian. 
Walau sibuk sekali harus tetap mementingkan riadah dan sukan 

10. Mei shi ye yao hu xiang guan ai. 
Walau tak terjadi apa² harus tetap saling menyayangi 

Sama-samalah kita merenungi dan menghayati erti dan maksud tersirat disebalik kata-kata hikmah ini. Semoga ianya boleh dijadikan teladan dalam hidup kita seharian......

-kalau ada salah tolong betolkan yep!-

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Love is Saranghae 4 : Single

Love is Saranghae 3 : why women cry

A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him. 

"I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will." 

Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?" 

"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say. 

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. 

Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?" 

God said, "When I made the woman she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. 

I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. 

I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining. 

I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly. 

I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart. 

I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfaltering. 

And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed." 

"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. 

The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Great me! #1

ya, i'm not pretty, i'm not fashionable, 
i wear cheap flipflop plain tshirt n jeans
i'm not hunting temporary love like you did, 
i dont go club or concert to enjoy, 
i dont spend most time with guy call boyfriend.
i dont care how u look me, what you think bout me.

well, i'm medic student, so what???

theres more people look up me, now n future. i'll never alone. ^^
yet i enjoy my life ultimately!

happy to be me!


memoir RMS


tetiba teringat ex koo yang cam playboy tu. but he's nice. 
he can tackle gurls heart with just few word. he can makes gurl comfort.
 i know he's bad boy but i stay with him.
 i dont care because i didnt give 100% love or care or trust on him.
 he just the place to feel that there someone who care bout you n to make you feel hawt n feel comfort.

he's very good in those things, well thats was his career. haha. 
so, for me, he is

confession: he is THE BEST BOYFRIEND ever. not good bf.
he so sweet. everything that you ever wish your bf are is there in him.

he did help my friends to woo a gurl. n i'm the medium between him n my friend.
 so, i know all their strategies. 
guess what, i also will fall in love with those trick. he so sweet.

note: people can change!

ok aku rase aku sorang je phm pe koo cite ni, tapi nak cite gak!!
even tu cite lame gilerr!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Love is Saranghae 2 : Love is Dota

This is what my friend tagged me on mukabuku!

haha, dulu penah ngadu lonely sebab baru breakup ngan awek dek kerana dota..
pastu cakap hidup ngan dota lagi best dari berchenta..


then sekarang ni lak yang dia post..

p/s: bila mau matang ni haa..??

Monday, November 21, 2011

Love is Saranghae 1 : Sweet Expired

People change!

Thought of The Day 1 : Love is You

Kamu tidak perlu seseorang untuk melengkapkan hidup kamu
kamu hanya perlu seseorang untuk menerima kamu sepenuhnya


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Make You Sad

to make you worry, to make you unhappy, 
to make you feel guilty, to make you stress, 
to take your precious time, to make you cry, 
to make you feel down..'
its better for me to walk away..

being sad of breaking up with me only temporary, 
but to be suffer with me is a long lasting period,
i just want you to be happy, 
dont be disturb with this simple things..
it just a relationship.
remember, your jodoh is waiting for you..but with someone else..


cc: (mr.AA & mr.J)

Termengandung awal

A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said:

'Doctor, I have a serious problem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even 1 year old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together.'

So the doctor said: 'Ok and what do you want me to do?'

She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.'

The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for you too.'

She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request.

Then he continued: 'You see, in order for you not to have to take care of 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms.'

The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible! It's a crime to kill a child!'

'I agree', the doctor replied. 'But you seemed to be OK with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution.'

The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point.

He convinced the mom that there is no difference in killing a child that's already been born and one that's still in the womb. The crime is the same!

ya, baby also creature, so doctors out there, dont help people who want terminate baby illegally. we are doctor we have our ethics, right??



Seorang anak melihat dan memeriksa tapak kaki ayahnya yang sedang membaca surat khabar.

Ayah: Eh apa kamu buat ni?
Anak: Cikgu cakap, syurga di bawah telapak kaki ibu.
Ayah: Habis tu?
Anak: Neraka mesti di bawah telapak kaki ayah kan?
Ayah: Sebelum kaki neraka ni hinggap kat muka kau, baik kau blah!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

its started!

well, i just enter the real medical degree block, which is cells and tissue.
i've started my anatomy n biochemistry class, with a great n superb lecturer.
its all because i didnt sleep in class. lol.

hope it will be a very fun and not stressful block.
*yo yo o jek! mane ada study medic tak stress*
* ey, boleh laa, kalo ko tak set ko nye mind suh dia stress, hadoi, be positip la bro!*
*ye ye, i'll try my best lah. i akan cuba jadi rajin XD*  

however, i still didnt manage to buy any books as my TC is NOT IN MY ACCOUNT yet!
haiyox.. -_-'
*xpe2, hal kecik je, hoho*

Thursday, September 22, 2011

masuk degree

already 10 days in in this course and being outside the country. ok, it will be for the next five year. hope i will survive. 

ouh, finally i choose studying outside the country. the reason is:
1- no distraction from bundle of my problem such as being in love with boys, commitment as an eldest daughter.
2- i can concentrate on my study, no play2, no shopping2, no dating2.
3- become a new better person.
4- being wealth as the currency here is much smaller. (haha)
5- experience of using real cadaver
6- i wont go overseas again, hope it just for this 5 years only
7- my doctor promise me that my md will be recognize, so that i dont have to take another examination in future.

so, i'm here in india! my place is really cold..

one thing that i wanna tell here is, last night i'd skyping with en.baboo and surprising he said that my voice had change. he said that my voice sound little bit matured. hoho. i think this is the age, which is 20, my voice change into more mature adolescence. i'm happy of being much matured!

he sound mature too!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

7 Alasan Bijak Mengelak Berpuasa

Mengelak berpuasa atau ponteng puasa adalah perbuatan tidak menunaikan ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan dengan sengaja tanpa menggantikannya semula. Perbuatan terkutuk ini biasanya dilakukan oleh manusia terkutuk. Mari saksikan apa alasan mereka yang sengaja tak mahu berpuasa: 

 1. "Mak, Farid uzur lah mak. Tak tipu. Keluar darah tadi. Hidung keluar darah time tengok Oprah Winfree seksi kat tb tadi mak.". 

 2. "Ikmal, kau tahu aku selama ni memang tak pernah puasa. Sebab aku insan istimewa. Tengok nama aku pun dah tahu dah aku memang ada kelonggaran untuk berpuasa. Mustapa Yah bin Pose." 

 3. "Kucing Petville game Facebook saya mati malam tadi, wak. Saya asyik nangis je. Banyak bazir air dah. Nanti saya mesti haus. So, saya tak boleh puasa. Kang mati kehausan pulak saya ni." 

 4. "Titew lupew nark sahow larh tadiew pagiw. Itew takpew lagiw, semalawm pown titew lupew nark berbooker, yang. Lapawr nieh, shewram nieh~" 

 5. "Ala abah ni. Sam tak nak puasa bukan apa. Cuma nak kekalkan kecergasan je. Malam ni nak terawih straight 20 rakaat. Bangga tak Sam ni anak abah?" 

 6. "Boss, saya tak puasa hari ni. So, saya tak nak balik pukul 5, saya nak balik macam biasa, pukul 6. Kira overtime lah. Saya tak puasa semata-mata nak overtime boss!" 

 7. "Ish apa abang ni! Saya tak puasa pun semata-mata sebab abang tau? Kang saya buat air Ribena susu untuk berbuka, macam mana nak rasa? Abang bukan tak tahu saya ni kalau merasa tak boleh main calit-calit kat lidah je. At least kena teguk 2 gelas." 

Bijak kan alasan-alasan di atas? Try lah, sure kena pijak. 

 Berdosa ponteng puasa, 
 Jangan ponteng puasa, 
 Dah sampai bulan puasa, 
 Mari kita berpuasa

Abang Aku Selalu Buat!

Let's read some funny story i got from one of my friends.

Pada suatu hari, adalah dua orang rakan karib menaiki keta. Keta itu dipandu dgn lajunya... setibanya di satu Traffic Light, kelihatan lampu traffic light berwarna Merah. Si pemandu nie tadi dengan selambanya memecut tanpa menghiraukan lampu merah tadi. Kawan kat sebelah dia cemas gila lalu bertanya."Hei mat kau tak nampak ke lampu Merah tadi?!!" Mamat menjawab "Jangan takut abang aku selalu buat".

Selang beberapa kilometer keta ini tiba di satu traffic light, lagi lampu traffic light itu Merah. Tanpa segan silu mamat memecut laju. Kali nie member Mamat tadi lagi bertambah cemas gila-gila-gila babi lalu memarahi si Mamat tadi. "Lagi sekali kau buat macam tu aku nak turun, tak kira!!!!" mamat dgn selambanya menjawab "Jangan takut abang aku selalu buat

selang beberapa kilometer, keta nie sekali lagi tiba di satu traffic light. Secara mengejut mamat memberhentikan ketanya dgn diikuti kokokkan tayar "SKREET......". Member mamat nie terus berkata, "Hei! mamat, kau dah gila ke? kan lampu traffic light tu Hijau" nak tau apa yang si mamat nie jawab............ 

"aku takut abang aku akan lalu jalan yang satu lagi.."


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

i think i'm ugly


I’m trying to smile brightly but
I don’t like it
I’m not pretty, I’m not beautiful

 I’m trying to sing but
No one is listening
I’m not pretty, I’m not beautiful

Why am I this ugly
What must I do for me to be able to smile brightly like you?
I’m getting angry again, why can’t I ever be perfect
I simply put the blame on my ugly appearance in this broken mirror

Don’t look at me, I hate this feeling right now
I want to hide away somewhere, I want to escape
This world is full of lies

I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face tellin’ me I’m pretty

I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know I’m ugly

Don’t tell me that you can understand me so easily
My ugly and crooked heart may even come to resent you
Don’t force me to talk, I’m not right for you
The cold thorns inside that patronizing gaze suffocate me

Don’t come closer, I don’t even want your concern
I want to leave away to somewhere, I want to shout out
This world is full of lies
There is no such thing as warmth

There is no one by my side

All alone
I’m all alone
I’m always alone
There’s no such thing as warmth
Next to my side, there’s not even anyone to embrace me


Friday, July 22, 2011



dah lama sangat xupdate blog ni.

ala, nak update untuk ape jek. aku buat blog ni pon untuk aku sendiri baca masa tua nanti. mana la tau tetibe dah tua nanti cepat lak nyanyuk nye. kalo nak ingat semua kenangan guna memory yang cepat berkarat ni, haha, memang tak la.

sementara berkesempatan still ingat semua kenangan time kecik-kecik sampai sekarang ni, baikla aku tulis kat blog yang xde orang baca ni. cause, insyaAllah, memory kat blog ni xkan hilang. hoho.

tetapi memerlukan kerajinan dan masa dan mood yang goood la untuk menaip pon. haih. xpe2, saya usaha yang mana termampu.

anyway, bukan nak tayang story hidup ni kat public, but more untuk tatapan sendiri kot. tapi kalo ada sesiapa yang terbaca tu, kalo nak ambil apa-apa pengajaran pon apa salahnye. :)

p/s: i'm changing!.. and aging. T_T
p/s/s: just be me!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Korang pernah tak perasan budak laki kelas korang or kawan-kawan lelaki korang tetiba jadi:
  1. Handsome
  2. Kemas
  3. Muka start jadi jambu
  4. Rambut turun ke depan ala-ala justin bieber
  5. Muka tetiba bersih, sekata je kaler
  6. Bibir start kaler pink kemerah-merahan
  7. fashion dah macam korean style
  8. Kurang bercakap ecspecially lawak-lawak bodo
  9. Tak gelak kuat2 dah dengan member2 dia
  10. Start punctual datang kelas
  11. Dah tak usik korang or budak2 perempuan lain dalam kelas

Hmm..daripada experienced, bese nye budak laki transgenic sebegitu rupe adalah setelah mereka ada aweks! DAH ADA AWEK ok! Bukan yang baru nak ngorat2 tu..hoho

Currently one boy from my class tengah menhadapi fasa-fasa ni.

p/s: siape kah dia??..hoho..dia je yang tau..ehem!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

dah cukup matang ke??

di saat ku bertemu kekasih lama ku..

aku:     eei.. tak suka la layan budak2 ni. harap je umo sebaya, tapi tolong la tak payah nak menggedik.
dia:     rase u penah jadi budak2 x ?? u rase time u dengan i dulu umur kite berape ye??
aku:    err,,beza 2 tahun. eh, tak kan la i macam tu dulu.. u xpenah merungut pape pon..
dia:    ok, sekarang beza umur kite??
aku:   sama
dia:   (senyum je)
aku:   baiklah.. T__T

apa yg cube disampaikan adalah:
1. macam la aku dah matang sangat sekarang.
2. toksah bajet rase diri tu bagos.
3. cube terime kelemahan orang.
5. bersabar

Friday, February 18, 2011

india vs. malaysia..????

haha.. ini la aku. tak habis-habis dengan aku punye dilemma. haiyok, what to do mummy??

haa..mummy dah tanye. dia cakap; "pergi la!"
aku paham,mak mana tak nak tengok anak nye pergi oversea,ye x?

haa..kite tanye ayah pulak. eh, ofcos la dia suh aku stay malaysia.
kata nye: " dok sini lah akak tau, senang kalau jadi apa-apa. kakak tu dah la tak bape sihat. kat india tu fesilitis nye tak berape. tak pe, kalau kakak dok malaysia nanti ayah bagi keta sebijik,secondhand punye!"

haha. ayah la yang semangat giler nak aku dok sini. jom tanya abang lak.
"abang suka kalau kakak grad dari india, dokter india banyak pengalaman, orang pon respek." okkkk..

so,skunk tunggu iman aku je laa.. huhu

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Bullshit!! I lost my fon this evening.

I lost it in my class. I TERTINGGAL bawah meja. Xsampai sejam i g balik clas tu tgk2 dah xde. Sampah bawah meja tu pon dah xde. Giler ah.

Sayang giler aku kat fon tu. I can say that was my first official fon i used. I used it for four years. My mom gave it to me when i was 16. Now it just 2011 and i lost it. I really sad n i still cant believe i really lost it!

Now, i dont have any contact number. Including my mom’s no and other important number. So,depressed!

Now, i have to use my old number again. With my OLD fon again.

Mode: really sad! T__T